Monday, July 16, 2007

Typical Weekend

5 movies
1 book
3/4 bottle of scotch
6 pints of beer.

Put all of the above together and we have a typical friday 6 pm to Sunday 11:30 pm activity chart for me.


Shuv said...

only 3/4 bottle over 2 days..u bloody wimp!

Anonymous said... this good or bad?

kaushik said...

Rip: You again trying to be judgemental. Leave that hat for once and you will feel so light.

Vikas: Dont tell me you dont play with daught and quarrel with your wife on a weekend.

Vikas said...

shuv: i am cutting that too, 1/2 from this week.
RIP: its bad if it goes on for a year.
Kaushik:They are back in India for some time now.

Anonymous said...

dear kaushik, i was simply trying to understand the post...(hats off!)

..because, to me vikas's routine actually seemed quite refreshing...
...things most of us would like to do ...

...but i've got my answer from vikas i guess...

dear vikas, do u have an option of some short term, part time courses that would allow you to meet a few new faces?...i mean girls..ofcourse.

..hey! how about a musical instrument (..a guiter perhaps),a foreign language(..spanish for eg.)
or may be a dancing class( know..jazz,waltz and stuff)...that sounds pretty interesting!

you have to GO OUT of the house to meet new people bro!